There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to dental anxiety, as people develop these feelings for different reasons. You may fear seeing a dentist due to painful or negative dental experiences in the past. Or the mere sound of the dental drill can induce anxiety and fear. You can have more relaxing, stress-free dental visits through sedation dentistry to get the dental services you need. At Aztec Family Dental, Dr. James Durfey offers nitrous oxide sedation to our patients in Aztec, New Mexico, to keep you calm and comfortable in the dental chair.
Although nitrous oxide is one of the mildest forms of dental sedation, its calming effects will make you feel relaxed in no time. Dr. Durfey will administer this gas through a mask placed over your nose at the onset of your procedure. When inhaled, the gas takes effect in minutes to ease tension and fear so you can have a relaxing treatment. You’ll drift off into a state of euphoria, but be fully conscious during your procedure.
Dr. Durfey may recommend nitrous oxide to help manage anxiety, stress, or fear, ensuring you receive the quality dental care you require. Nitrous oxide sedation can provide positive dental experiences, helping to alleviate anxiety and fear. Over time, you’ll come to view dentistry in a new light and fully benefit from professional oral care.
We highly recommend nitrous oxide sedation for its safe, effective qualities.
Nitrous oxide is safe for children, teens, and adults when administered by an experienced sedation dentist.
– You’ll start feeling its calming effects within minutes after inhaling it. Once the mask is removed, the effects wear off just as quickly, so you can drive yourself home after your appointment.
– Nitrous oxide produces a euphoric effect that helps you relax in the dental chair. This enables Dr. Durfey to work quicker and more effectively, as you’re not fidgeting or asking for constant breaks during your treatment.
– Nitrous oxide minimizes gagging, which can make you feel uncomfortable and disrupt your treatment. You’ll be able to endure longer treatments, which can help keep follow-up appointments to a minimum.
– Laughing gas helps minimize pain sensitivity, enabling you to endure treatments with less discomfort. We can also combine the gas with anesthesia, if needed, for optimal comfort during your procedure.
– After the effects of nitrous oxide wear off, you can resume your normal activities, whether it’s school, work, or household management.
– With nitrous oxide sedation, you can look forward to pleasant dental visits and better oral health over the years. You won’t shy away from routine exams, cleanings, or any other treatment that will keep your smile looking its best.
To learn more about nitrous oxide sedation and how it can benefit you, contact Dr. James Durfey from Aztec Family Dental in Aztec, NM, at (505) 390-1117.